A quiz made by & for Lady Leaders

What is this QUIZ all about?

& Stepping into your personal power

10 Questions will lead to one of 4 Archetypes,
and your results come with a Archetype booklet 

Who are The Four Ladies
and which one am I?

Meet the four Ladies, who are each an embodiment of Feminine Leader Archetypes.

The Four Ladies are all inside of you. They make up your inner sisterhood. I found these four Archetypal Ladies at the core of my spirit;

                       The Mother, The Lover, The Wise and The Queen.

You will have a natural leaning towards one Archetype or Leadership Style – find out yours in the FREE QUIZ.

BUT, for you to live and breathe the life that you crave, you must lovingly nurture and empower each of these Archetypes individually.

Rituals will create balance, fulfilment and transform your thoughts and dreams into existence.

You will immediately start using powerful and easy-to-implement Rituals (and Healthy Habits) in your day-to-day life.

Lady Leader. Are you one?

What is
Your Feminine Leadership style?

Take the quiz and find out your natural leadership style, so you can start creating your magical freedom with personalised rituals.

A quiz made by & for Lady Leaders

10 Questions will lead to one of 4 Archetypes, your results come with a beautifully designed Pdf booklet 
This quiz is made by and for Lady Leaders. Women like you, all over the globe, are stepping into their personal power, ready to fulfill their life’s mission. Feminine Leadership is not a role for heroes. It is a series of behaviours infused with wisdom that came from either personal experience, or the one that is gained from deep connections.

Like in a family, sisterhood or tribe. Each of us has their own style when it comes to leading our personal life’s, running our households, or business. When you take this quiz, you will find out what your Feminine Leadership Style is and learn about its benefits and downfalls.

You will also meet the four Ladies, who are each an embodiment of feminine leader archetypes. Ready?